Good Enough: A Young Dad's Journey

Picture of Written by Jayme

Written by Jayme

Communications Coordinator

Have you ever felt not good enough?
It’s one of the worst feelings! As a new mom myself, I know there are so many new things to learn about raising a child. Well, I have a story to share about Daniel, a young dad who felt this same way. 
When Daniel came to Good Samaritan’s Family Stabilization program, he was hesitant to fully participate. While his wife was actively involved, Daniel did not feel confident in his own abilities. Worried about whether he would be ‘good enough’ as a dad, he shied away from working through the program.
Luckily, through time and an amazing team of people who encouraged him, Daniel soon began to see himself as the capable parent he is. 
Recently, he was asked, “Daniel, what is the best part about being a dad?”
His response? “Making my child happy.”
He said this with such a huge smile on his face and went on to say how exciting it is to see his child grow and interact with the world. Daniel is now actively involved in the program and regularly plans for the future with his son. For Daniel, seeing himself as ‘good enough’, and as a strong, capable parent was life-changing.
Will you consider giving a donation to help families like Daniel’s? The work we do is not be possible without your generous support and we are so grateful for YOU. 
Donate here today!