Good Samaritan: More than a Ranch
Written by Susanna
Communications Coordinator
Good Samaritan started as on orphanage on a ranch in Brighton, Missouri in 1959. For decades, our program at our Ranch location has been at the core of what we do. However, as we have grown and expanded, we have become much much more than a Ranch.
Through a variety of intervention and prevention-based programs specific to the needs of our youth or families, we walk alongside them to help them heal from trauma and build resiliency.
So, what do our programs actually entail?
Well, we of course have our Specialized Care program at our Ranch location. There, youth enjoy the beauty of the Ozarks countryside while horseback riding, canoeing, and more. However, there is so much more to this program beyond the fun. Youth at the ranch have all experienced some level of trauma. Many have experienced abuse. The Ranch is a safe, therapeutic environment for youth to heal. This means extensive therapy with our caring staff in groups and individually. Additionally, youth participate in equine therapy and connect with their emotions through a different medium.
Youth also go to school right on the Ranch. This allows youth at the Ranch to get personalized help to meet their educational needs and goals. Staff are trauma-informed and are experienced working with at-risk youth.
Additionally, we have our Transitional Living program for youth aging out of in foster care.
Our Transitional Living program includes the Darr House for boys, Laura’s home for girls, and apartments for youth ready to live on their own. Specifically, at Darr House and Laura’s Home, youth participate in learning activities throughout the year focused on budgeting and financial planning. Youth also pursue important milestones like getting a driver’s license, acquiring jobs, applying to higher education programs, and more. Ultimately, Transitional Living prepares youth to become confident and productive adults.
Read about Sydney’s experience with the Transitional Living program here!
Stabilization Services keeps families together when they are in crisis.
The goal in Stabilization Services is to keep families together and to take them from surviving to thriving. Carolyn, a Stabilization Specialist here at Good Samaritan, believes in coming alongside families wherever they are and whatever their struggles. She says, “what I tell parents when I’m calling them and talking about the program is that it’s their journey of parenting. And if they want to partner, I get to journey with them on a small little piece. I don’t take over their parenting journey. That’s theirs.”
Stabilization Services is about seeing the best in each family, regardless of any difficult circumstances they are experiencing. Carolyn says, “[It’s about] taking the judgement out and seeing the person for who they are and what they’re trying to do.” Stabilization Services is individualized to the needs of each family, but services may include parent education, referrals to agencies for mental health services, help accessing community resources, and other referrals/tools as needed.
Ultimately, every single program at Good Samaritan is designed to help youth and families heal from trauma and build resiliency.
From 1959 until now, we have grown and expanded in tremendous ways. The Ranch at Good Samaritan will always be a part of our past, present, and future. However, we are far more than just a Ranch. Our programs build strong communities and foster hope both inside and outside of Good Samaritan.